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Interview with Adriana, a security officer posted at the front desk of the building.
Press to listen to the interview or scroll down to read the translated transcript.

Adriana: Project
Adriana: Music Player


Q: We are working on a school project about this building.  Would you like to answer some of our questions?

A: Yes. But the questions, what are they about? 

Q: The renovation…to make it sustainable?  

A: You mean how is the building sustained? Its maintenance and all that?

Q: Yes, your opinion.

A: Mi opinion.

Q: Yes. Okay, so what do you think of the renovation of this building?

A: What is my opinion?  That the structure has improved a lot.  In every aspect, one can notice, has improved.

Q: Any particularly noteworthy improvement?

A: Yes. Even just the type of lighting, each thing that gets added, even technical things, that also improve the services that are offered.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working here?

A: That you get to learn new things, that one gets to interact with many different types of people, that you get to know from them many things, both good and bad.

Q: What is your name, and what is your job.

A: Security. 

Q: Security. And what is your name?

A: Me? What is my name? My name is Adriana Aguilar Martínez.

Q: Anything else that we should know about this building?

A: That is was built in 1930, and that here lived…….a very important person in history, but I don’t remember right now who it is!

Adriana: Text

©2019 by Kats Tamanaha.
Researched funded by the Graduate Student Engagement Fund.
A special thanks to Pratt Institute  |  Brooklyn, NY

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